洋楽BOX ~洋楽をひたすら和訳するブログ~


Stan Eminem ft. Dido (エミネムフィーチャリングディド)
























[Chorus: Dido]
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

 紅茶も冷たくなってしまった なぜ起きてしまったのか考える
もし外が見えたとしても 外は灰色一色


My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

 紅茶も冷たくなってしまった なぜ起きてしまったのか考える
もし外が見えたとしても 外は灰色一色


[Verse 1: Eminem (as Stan)]
Dear Slim, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not've got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin'

 親愛なるSlimへ お前に手紙を出したのに まだ電話をくれないんだな
携帯にポケベル 家の番号も手紙の一番下に書いておいたのに
去年の秋に2通手紙を送ったんだ お前は受け取っていないようだな


Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man? How's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
I'ma name her Bonnie

 俺の字はかなり汚いし そんなことはどうでもいい
俺の彼女も妊娠してるんだ 俺ももうじき父親だ
もし娘が生まれたら ヤツを何て呼ぶと思う?


I read about your Uncle Ronnie too, I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam

 お前の叔父さんのRonnieの話も呼んだよ 気の毒にな
きっと耳にタコができるほど聞いてるセリフだと思うが 俺はお前の大ファンなのさ


I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man
I like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan

 俺は待ってるんだぜ 俺の部屋はお前のポスターや写真でいっぱい
お前がDa Ruckusとやった曲も好きだ あれは素晴らしかったな
とにかく この手紙がお前に届くことを願うよ 連絡くれよ
ただ喋るだけでいいんだ お前の一番のファン Mr.Stanより

[Chorus: Dido]
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

  紅茶も冷たくなってしまった なぜ起きてしまったのか考える
もし外が見えたとしても 外は灰色一色


[Verse 2: Eminem (as Stan)]
Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer fans
If you didn't want to talk to me outside your concert, you didn't have to
But you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew

親愛なるSlimへ まだ電話も手紙もくれないお前 返事をしてくれればいいなと
思ってるよ 怒ってはいないさ でもファンに応えないなんて最悪だって思ってるだけ
コンサート会場の外で俺と喋りたくなかったのなら それはそれでいい


That's my little brother, man, he's only six years old
We waited in the blisterin' cold
For you, for four hours, and you just said no
That's pretty shitty, man, you're like his fuckin' idol
He wants to be just like you, man, he likes you more than I do

Matthewは俺の弟なんだ まだ6歳なんだ
それって酷くねえか お前は俺の弟のアイドルだっていうのに
ヤツはお前みたいになりたがってるんだ ヤツは俺よりもお前を想ってるのさ 


I ain't that mad, though I just don't like bein' lied to
Remember when we met in Denver?
You said if I'd write you, you would write back
See, I'm just like you in a way: I never knew my father neither
He used to always cheat on my mom and beat her

 それでも俺は怒ってはいないぜ ただ嘘をつかれるのは嫌なんだよ
いいか 俺はお前と共通点があるんだ 俺も父親のこと知らないし
ヤツは浮気ばかりして 母親をぶん殴ってたって話だ

I can relate to what you're sayin' in your songs
So when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on
‘Cause I don't really got shit else
So that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest


Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See, everything you say is real, and I respect you ‘cause you tell it
My girlfriend's jealous 'cause I talk about you 24/7

 たまに自分の手首を切って どれぐらい血が出るか試してみたりもしてる
まるでアドレナリンみたいに 痛みが凄い勢いで襲ってくるんだ
お前の言ってることは全てリアル お前をリスペクトしてるぜ

But she don't know you like I know you, Slim, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us growin' up
You gotta call me, man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Stan—P.S. We should be together too

お前のことを一番よくわかってるのはこの俺さ 彼女は俺たちみたいなヤツらがどれだけ苦労してきたか解ってはいないんだ
電話してくれよ 一番のファンを失うことになるぜ
それじゃあな Stan 追伸(俺たちは一緒になるべきなんだ)

[Chorus: Dido]
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

 紅茶も冷たくなってしまった なぜ起きてしまったのか考える
もし外が見えたとしても 外は灰色一色


[Verse 3: Eminem (as Stan)]
Dear Mr. I'm-Too-Good-to-Call-or-Write-My-Fans
This'll be the last package I ever send your ass
It's been six months, and still no word—I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters, I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect

6ヶ月過ぎて何の返事もないなんて そんな扱いを受ける覚えはないぜ
2通の手紙は受け取ってるはずだ 完璧にアドレスを書いたからな


So this is my cassette I'm sendin' you, I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now, I'm doin' 90 on the freeway
Hey, Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?
You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"

 このカセットをお前に送ってやる 聞いてくれることを願ってるぜ
俺は今車の中だ フリーウェイを90マイルで走ってる
おい、Slim ウォッカを5杯も飲んで運転してるんだ
Phil CollinsのIn the Air of the Nightって曲を知ってるか?

About that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drownin'
But didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a show he found him?
That's kinda how this is: you coulda rescued me from drownin'
Now it's too late, I'm on a thousand downers now—I'm drowsy

そいつを助けなかった男の歌さ Philは全てを描きそしてショウでそいつを見つけ出した この状況その歌に似てるんだ
お前はおぼれていく俺を助けることができたというのに 今ではもう遅い 俺は1000ガロンも飲んでもう眠くなってきた


And all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the wall
I loved you, Slim, we coulda been together—think about it!
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it

俺がほしかったのはそれだけだったのに お前の写真も壁から全て引き剥がしたってこともわかってくれよ
お前を愛してたんだSlim 俺たちは一緒になることができたというのに 考えてみろよ!
お前が台無しにしちまったのさ お前が眠れなくなってこの出来事を夢に見ればいいんだ 

And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breathe without me
See, Slim—shut up, bitch! I'm tryin' to talk
Hey, Slim, that's my girlfriend screamin' in the trunk

 そしてお前が夢を見たら お前は眠れなくなり叫び声をあげちまうのさ!
良心がお前を虫食み 俺なしでは生きられなくなっちまえ
いいか Slim(叫び声)黙れこのビッチめ!!俺は喋ろうとしてるんだ
おい Slim 今のはトランクの中にいる俺の彼女の叫び声だ


But I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up—see? I ain't like you
‘Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more and then she'll die too
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh, shit, I forgot—how am I supposed to send this shit out?!

でも俺はヤツの喉を切り裂いたりはしてないぜ ただ縛り上げただけ お前とは違うからな
それじゃあな 橋にもうすぐたどり着くぜ
Oh しまった忘れてた どうやってこのテープを送りゃいいんだ?


[Chorus: Dido]
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

 紅茶も冷たくなってしまった なぜ起きてしまったのか考える
もし外が見えたとしても 外は灰色一色


[Verse 4: Eminem]
Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner, but I just been busy
You said your girlfriend's pregnant now, how far along is she?
Look, I'm really flattered you would call your daughter that
And here's an autograph for your brother; I wrote it on a Starter cap

親愛なるStan もっと早く返事を出そうと思ってたんだが忙しかったんだ
お前の彼女は大変らしいな 彼女は妊娠何ヶ月目だ?
それからお前の弟用のサインだ Starterの帽子にサインしといたぜ 


I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show, I must've missed you
Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you
But what's this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too?
I say that shit just clownin', dawg, come on, how fucked up is you?

 コンサートでお前たちと会えなくて残念だったな きっと見過ごしちまったんだろう
俺は冗談のつもりで言ったんだ お前相当やばいんじゃないか?


You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counselin'
To help your ass from bouncin' off the walls when you get down some
And what's this shit about us meant to be together?
That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other

 問題ありそうだなStan お前にはカウンセリングが必要だと思う
そんなことほざいてると お前に会う気が失せちまうぜ


I really think you and your girlfriend need each other
Or maybe you just need to treat her better
I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time
Before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doin' just fine

 お前と彼女はお互いを必要としてるんだ 心からそう思うよ
お前が怪我でもする前に この手紙が間に合って届くといいが


If you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you, but Stan
Why are you so mad? Try to understand that I do want you as a fan
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick

お前をインスパイアできて嬉しいが なんでそんなに怒ってるんだ?
俺のファンでいてほしいとは思うが クレイジーなことはしてほしくないんだ わかってくれよ


Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
And had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid
And in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to
Come to think about it, his name was—it was you

 ある男が酔っ払って 橋から車ごと転落したんだ
トランクにはそいつの彼女が入ってた 彼女はその男の子供を身ごもってたんだ
そして車の中からはテープが発見された 誰あてのテープかはニュースでは言ってなかったが
考えてみると 死んだそいつの名前は  そいつお前かよ!



